Wednesday, July 28, 2010

2011 in 2011

Hey Guys,

As I mentioned earlier, one of our goals for this year is 2011 state wide chapter community service hours in 2011. We believe this is a great way to show people in our community that FFA cares about more than just farming. We care about community development and making a positive difference.

We will be sending out emails with information and logs. Also, come by and see us, or grab one of us, at the state fair where we will have more information on this event.

Guys, hound your advisors to get this going in your chapter.. lets make this a HUGE success this year! We need you all to step up and EMBRACE THE CHALLENGE!

Audie Cherry
Pennyrile Region State Vice President

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Embrace the Challenge

Hey Guys,

We just wanted to let everyone know that this year we set our theme as "Embrace the Challenge." You have the power to overcome any thing you set your mind to. No matter the challenge, whether it is within or without the National FFA Organization you have the power to conquer it!

With this year we also have set goals that we want, with the help of you all, to embrace and overcome.

1. Break the all-time membership record.

2. Make Supervised Agricultural Experiences (SAE's) a top priority in the state and increase participation.

3. Promote Agriculture Literacy and partner with commodity groups (Farm Bureau, KY Soybean Association, etc.)

4. Between August 16th and April 15th have two-thousand eleven (2,011 in the year 2011) combined community service hours from all chapters across the state.

These goals cannot be reachable without your help, FFA. Go to your chapter, your advisors, everyone you come in contact with and help us achieve our overall goal of making this the BEST year in the Kentucky FFA history!

Embrace the Challenge, KY FFA!!!

Audie Cherry
Pennyrile Region State Vice-President