Sunday, October 24, 2010

National Convention 2010!

It was a JAM PACKED week for the State Officers (plus our 2 additional delegates, Ali Higgs from Western Hills FFA and Stephanie Jackson from Central Hardin FFA)!! We got to participate in committee meetings discussing issues facing our organization, attend every amazing session, see hundreds of Kentucky jackets walking around Indy, congratulate winners at the annual Kentucky breakfast Friday morning, watch 143 KY FFA members receive their American degrees, and watch six new National Officers be installed! Barren River Region State Vice President, Gabrielle Burgess, received the HUGE honor of serving on the national nominating committee to choose the slate of national officers for 2010-2011 and I got to help represent Kentucky in the Ag Sales CDE. It was definitely an exciting week for everybody!

Here's a look at some more of the successes at the convention:

We had 8 national proficiency finalists and 2 winners, Aaron Wheeler from LaRue County and Justin Goodlett from Spencer County.
Courtney Cox from Spencer County and Ashly Jones from Bell County were chosen as two of ten National Agri-Entrepreneurship Winners.
Spencer County FFA was chosen as the National Winner in Model of Innovation - Student Development.
James Lyons was chosen as a National Star Farmer Finalist.
Jared Hodskins was chosen as a National Star in Agribusiness Finalist.

As you can see, Kentucky was VERY well represented at National Convention! Congratulations to all of these amazing chapters and members, but this is only a partial list! Be looking for CDE results soon!

Kevin Herndon
State Sentinel

Friday, October 8, 2010

Wait.. WHICH Campus?!

Today, I went for a visit in Muhlenberg County. For those of you who did not know the two schools merged and what used to be North and South are now East and West campus. Needless to say I was confused, but thanks to Mrs. Oates I figured out that East is the old South and West is the old North. However.. That did not help me when it came to finding the school. Muhlenberg South was still in my GPS since the school merger is only a year old. That would have been fine, EXCEPT my GPS still didn't take me there so I typed in the address.. still nothing. After a little driving around and awkward turnarounds in front of people I finally made it!

Boy, it was worth it! Muhlenberg freshman and sophomores have a bright future. There were FIVE classes with freshmen (Oates-3, Benton-2) that I talked to for a total of four workshops (one was two classes combined). I also got to hang out with some of the officers in my down time. Because of the two-campus set up, each campus has a set of officers. This is very unique and I believe will help build stronger leaders by getting them started off early. With early leadership there is no telling how far these students can go!


Audie Cherry
Pennyrile Region State Vice-President

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Let's Rewind..

.. I'm a little behind.

Bear with me and try not to get too bored.. I'll try to keep it interesting. ;)

1. September 10th.. Racer Roundup
Racer Roundup is an annual Murray State Collegiate FFA fundraiser in which we put on workshops for students from all over in the FFA. We brought in students from Illinois, Indiana and Kentucky.. and I'm not for sure, but I believe we had a record attendance.

Jake Adair and I presented a workshop on "Replay," since the whole conference was iPod/iPhone based. In our workshop we discussed the importance of not getting stuck in the motions (on replay) and stepping up. We had loads of fun and I have a feeling that NO ONE will forget the WINDSHIELD WIPER DANCE!!!

2. September 15th.. Caldwell County.
This was my first official freshman chapter visit with a workshop. I discussed with them the importance of motivation. Through this I got to experience, for the first time, an orange being eaten like an apple! Overall, it went over really well and the group at Caldwell was very good. They have a great freshman group coming on and I look forward to seeing what they bring KY FFA in the future!

I also got to go with CCHS FFA president, Kirstie Willis to KFB where I got confused at the downtown roundabout and made an extra circle around the courthouse :/

While eating lunch at McDonald's I talked to an elderly man who was a member of the FFA back in the early 60's we had a great conversation. It is so awesome finding people at random who, through the FFA, you have so much in common with!

I can't forget the quote by Mr. York... I was asked, "What is your favorite color?" Well apparently my answer is wrong.. York informed me that, "It depends, what color are your eyes?"

PS: Special thanks to Buddy Sledd for all of his help!

4. September 22.. Pennyrile Leadership Conference
PLC is something that the Pennyrile Region puts on every year. This year went over very well.. We set a record attendance! However, because of this unexpected turn out we had last a last minute (day before) emergency.. How can we facilitate this many students in FOUR workshops?! So.. our National FFA Officer Candidate, Buddy Sledd, saved the day and did a combined workshop (about 80-90 students) and BY CHOICE, used no materials. Word on the street... it was awesome!

I asked around and everyone seemed to have a great time and enjoyed the workshops. I have to say.. I have been very impressed with how well our regional officer team has their stuff together. They have already exceeded my expectations.. I am looking forward to seeing the rest of a great year for Pennyrile!

Also, on a side note.. I would just like to point out that it was a long trip for Webster County.. they experienced bus trouble and did not get home until very late.

5. September 24th.. Webster County
Things have changed a little since I went there.. now class rooms, working on a new shop, AND Mr. Hankins now uses a spray bottle to discipline students! Anyhow, it went over very well. I gave two workshops to Hankins' 6th and 7th period Principles of Ag classes. The students were VERY energetic in the activities (that's what I wanted). The students, no bias, have great potential and I look for nothing but great things from these young members.

6. September 30th.. Trigg County
Well.. like every other visit so far.. I have had a record broken. I never thought an orange could have been eaten in 33 seconds. I was shocked, needless to say. The groups at Trigg (two blocks) were very good and without a doubt have a huge and bright future ahead of them. I know I seem to say that for everyone, but the FFA looks bright no matter where I seem to go!

I also got to see the KY Soybean Association video entry (made by Macy Taylor) and it looks very good. I hope everyone is entering the contest and making an effort to promote Ag Literacy, which is one of our goals this year.. Embrace the Challenge!! Let's see what videos you can come up with!

7. Webster Youth Ag Days
I was able to stop by Webster County's Youth Ag Days for a few minutes since it was only about 5 minutes from my house. It was great seeing all of the young fourth graders learning about agriculture and how it affects them. Ag Literacy.. check! Also, two WCHS FFA officer, Dakota Fox and Brittany Major, got to continue the tradition (started last year) of teaching Lawn Mower Safety. Needless to say, Ag Days was a success!

Whew!!! I'm done.. Until next time!

Let's keep working toward our state goals!!!


Audie Cherry
Pennyrile Region State Vice-President