Monday, November 15, 2010

National Officer Magic

Did you ever wonder who elected the 6 national officers? I never really thought about it until this summer when I had the opportunity to meet 3 national officers. It was then I realized that there were 9 members who had the chance to meet so many national officer candidates.

After being nominated by a national officer, I had to fill out an application. I was then selected by the 6 national officers out of 48 candidates.

A conference call would be made to the 9 selected for the committee and the adults who would oversee us.

The next 6 weeks would be filled with reading 36 applications. I would also learn the ins and outs of the process in which I would put my complete trust into so we the nominating committee could select the 6 best to serve our organization as the National Officers. Eventually I would learn each of these candidates and feel like I had known them forever.

When it was time to drive to Indianapolis on Thursday Oct. 14, 2010 I was so excited. I felt unprepared, but that's why we had 3 days of training before interviews started. On Friday morning I met the other committee members and training began. I retained so much information in those 3 days, because I wanted to find the 6 BEST, to serve for our organization.

Then, Sunday night rolled around, which was the first time we were actually able to meet the candidates and put faces to names. We began to learn more and more about these candidates and the process had began. The real process, the interviews started Monday morning at 7. We were excited and nervous. I can't imagine how the candidates felt, because we felt like we were about to be judged.

Round 1 was on Monday, Round 2 was on Tuesday. Then the cut would be made on Tuesday night. We all felt horrible, because we weren't going to get to know half of the candidates. The group was narrowed down from 36 to 19. Round 3 and 4 were held on Wednesday. That night after interviews we had our casual activity. We went and ate and went bowling with the candidates, and it just gave us a real chance to see how these candidates intereacted outside of the interview room. The last and final round was held on Thursday morning, and it was becoming more real to us that during that night we would hold the biggest secret.

After making our decision we were seculded and we were to keep the biggest secret of our life, until it was announced on Saturday afternoon. Friday afternoon, we, the nominating committee, watched the National Officer jackets be made, that was one of the most amazing feelings ever. As I pressed start on the name of a jacket, it had officially sank in that I had a part in helping our organization.

Friday couldn't have gone by any slower, I was anxiously awaiting the moment when my secret would be public knowledge. And then the moment came, and I was nervous, and sick to my stomach. Again I can't imagine how the candidates felt, because I knew who the officers were but I felt like I was waiting for my name to be called.

Then the moment came when all 6 names had been called and I watched the other 30 candidates cry as their dream had been reached by others. Then I watched the 6 on stage who had reached their dream. The reactions were the same, shock, some had been heartbroken and some cried tears of joy. My heartbroke as I watched those who weren't selected because I knew how great of people they were. I remembered so many people telling me I wasn't ruining their dreams, I was helping them take a step towards where they needed to be.

Since Convention, I have been able to keep in touch with the retired national officers, the nominating committee, the candidates who weren't elected and the new national officer team. I have gained so many amazing friends, who help me daily and I'm so thankful for that. I am so thankful for the opportunity that was given to me, and for having the supporting teammates who allowed me to take time away from them so I could serve in this way.

And that's the magic of the National Officers and how they get there!

Gabrielle Burgess

Barren River State Vice-President

"Embrace the Challenge"

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