Thursday, September 2, 2010

Kentucky Farmers Care – Doing What’s Right for our ANIMALS, for our ENVIRONMENT, and for our CONSUMERS

Hey Guys!

It's that time of year again... time for our youtube contest put on by the Kentucky Soybean Board & Association. Here's a few details.. if you're interested talk to your advisor to get the the full rundown.


Any high school FFA member may submit an entry created by an individual or by a team of two or more members from any Kentucky FFA Chapter.


The challenge of the contest is to inform and educate a positive message regarding farmers and their commitment to their animals, the environment and consumers. Animals referenced include beef cattle, dairy cattle, poultry and hogs, NOT dogs, cats, rabbits, etc. Video creativity and originality is a must along with factual information. Messaging facts along with additional sources of information are provided within this literature.

What you really wanna know about: PRIZES!

1st Place - $3,000.00 to the student and $3,000.00 to his/her chapter.
2nd Place - $2,000.00 to the student and $2,000.00 to his/her chapter.
3rd Place - $1,000.00 to the student and $1,000.00 to his/her chapter.

4th-10th Place - $100.00 to the student

*If a team places, the prize money will be split equally among the winners. If a county produces more than one winner, the county will only receive one cash award.
*The 1st place winner will no longer be eligible to win future video contests.

So guys, get after it! The deadline is OCTOBER 1st! I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of videos you can come up with. If you have any questions ask your advisor or feel free to contact me at:


Audie Cherry
Pennyrile Region State Vice-President

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