On Monday, August 30th Kentucky FFA's National Officer Candidate, James "Buddy" Sledd and I took a trip to Fulton County's FFA Chapter where Mr. Black was putting on a training day for the officers and committee chairman. Buddy and I were in charge of two workshops for the members, both of which went over great. In our workshops we stressed the idea of teamwork and communication since all 6 officers are new and 9 of the 12 committee chairmen are new.
We had a great time with a TON of laughs, but let me tell you KY FFA, Fulton County has a bright future ahead of them! Mr. Black already has them on the right track and they are pumped about this year. there is not one member out of the whole group that was not outgoing. That will take them a long way. I'm looking forward to what they bring to the table this upcoming year with their new and strong leadership.
Audie (like Shawty, but Audie) Cherry
Pennyrile Region State Vice-President
It was awesome to have Audie and Buddy at Fulton County. They did an outstanding job. Kentucky can be proud.